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THE AGEの記事(11/6)から。'Silent jet' could ease airport noise

A radically redesigned passenger jet could alleviate a major complaint of people who live near major airports -- the deafening sound of planes taking off and landing.

A team of 40 researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Cambridge University spent three years working on the wide, streamlined jet, which they plan to unveil in London on Monday.

The "silent jet," which from outside an airport would sound about as noisy as a washing machine or other household appliance, would carry 215 passengers and could be in the air by 2030.

Instead of the tube-and-wing model common today, the Silent Jet is a flying wing, evoking current "stealth" military aircraft. It lacks the central vertical stabilizer common at the tail of current passenger jets, instead using a pair of stabilizers at the wingtips.

The proposed plane has a 222-foot (68-metre) wingspan and is 144 feet (44 metres) long from nose to tail, comparable in size to a Boeing 767.

"You take the fuselage and you squish it, and you spread it out, and it's an all-lifting body," said Zoltan Spakovsky, an associate professor at MIT who worked on the project.

The design allows the plane to remain in the air at slower speeds, which would allow it to cruise in for a landing more quietly. The plane does not use wing flaps, which are common on today's passenger jets and create much of the landing noise.

The MIT-Cambridge team also designed what they said could be a quieter and more fuel efficient engine system. Rather than placing the jets in pods suspended under the wings, the silent jet uses three engines built into the middle of the plane, at the rear. They take in air from above the wing, which helps to insulate people on the ground from jet noise at takeoff.
さらに高効率エンジンを翼の上に置くことで、エンジンからの騒音を翼でシールドすることができ、離陸の際の地表での騒音をさらに低減することができるとのこと。エンジンのデザインについては、The Silent Aircraft Initiativeの絵がわかりやすい。MITのニュースサイトにもTeam moves toward silent, eco-friendly planeという記事が掲載されているが、ここには
In a typical flight, the proposed plane, which is designed to carry 215 passengers, is predicted to achieve 124 passenger-miles per gallon, almost 25 percent more than current aircraft, according to Greitzer. (For a down-to-earth comparison, the Toyota Prius hybrid car carrying two passengers achieves 120 passenger-miles per gallon.)
とあり、騒音が減るだけでなく、燃料消費も 25%効率化して 124人-マイル/ガロンとなり、トヨタプリウスの2名乗車時の120人-マイル/ガロンよりも効率的だと書いてある。飛行機の燃費ってそんなに良かったのか? 市民のための環境学ガイドの個人的二酸化炭素削減術に改めて目を通してみると、自動車と旅客機というのは移動距離あたりの二酸化炭素排出量は似たり寄ったりというところのようだ。

なお、BBC NEWSの記事は、技術的なことはあまり触れられていないが、単にこのデザインの利点を述べるだけでなく、従来型デザインの利点や、革命的デザインの採用の損得勘定などについてもバランス良く言及している。


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« レスベラトロールが寿命を延ばす? | トップページ | ココログ34か月 »