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NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC.COMの記事(11/20)から。Toxin-Free Cottonseed Engineered; Could Feed Millions, Study Says

A toxic chemical has been mostly removed from cottonseeds, potentially turning an underused agricultural product into a food source for hundreds of millions of people, according to a new study.

"The world grows cotton for fiber not for seed," said Keerti Rathore, a researcher at Texas A&M University in College Station who helped spearhead the work.

"Few realize, however, that for every pound [0.45 kilogram] of cotton fiber, the cotton plant produces 1.65 pounds [0.75 kilogram] of seeds that contain 21 percent oil and 23 percent of a relatively good quality protein."

Some 48.5 million tons (44 million metric tons) of cottonseed are produced annually, much of it by 20 million farmers in Asian and African countries with high rates of malnutrition and starvation, the study authors write.

But nutrient-rich cottonseeds are unfit for human consumption because of a noxious chemical called gossypol, a toxin with properties that keep bugs at bay and cause health problems in humans and many animals.

Currently cottonseeds are used to make feed for cows, which can handle gossypol, thanks to special microbes in their stomachs.

But now the research team has found a way to genetically engineer cottonseeds that barely produce gossypol, possibly making the seeds fit for human menus.

"Global cottonseed production can potentially provide the protein requirements for half a billion people per year," the team reported in tomorrow's issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.



The recent research used a technique called RNA interference (RNAi) to suppress the biochemical pathways that produce gossypol in cottonseed tissue.

The team created a hybrid gene that was then driven by a "seed promoter" - a natural device that guides genetic expression and that, in this case, limited the effects of the genetic tinkering to the seed only.

The process rendered cottonseeds with 98 percent lower levels of gossypol while leaving levels of the toxin in other parts of the plant untouched.

"The RNA mechanisms only work on the seeds, so that the leaves still contain gossypol and discourage insects from chewing them," study co-author Rathore said.

"If you knock it out throughout the plant, [the cotton] is more susceptible to diseases."




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