Science Daily のニュース(2/20)から。Laser Light Can Detect Potential Diseases Via Breath Samples
By blasting a person's breath with laser light, scientists from the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the University of Colorado at Boulder have shown that they can detect molecules that may be markers for diseases like asthma or cancer.人の吐息にレーザー光を照射することで、吐息中に含まれる喘息やガンなどの病気に特有の分子種を検出し、病気の診断が可能となる分析技術を開発したというニュース。まだ実験段階だが近い将来には医師が患者の診察をする際の助けになるだろうとのこと。While the new technique has yet to be tested in clinical trials, it may someday allow doctors to screen people for certain diseases simply by sampling their breath, according to the research team from JILA, a joint institute of NIST and CU-Boulder. "This technique can give a broad picture of many different molecules in the breath all at once," said Jun Ye, a fellow of JILA and NIST who led the research.
Known as optical frequency comb spectroscopy, the technique is powerful enough to sort through all the molecules in human breath and sensitive enough to distinguish rare molecules that may be biomarkers for specific diseases, said Ye.開発した技術は光学周波数コム分光として知られている技術を応用したもので、病気に特有の分子種(バイオマーカー)を非常に高感度に分析できるようだ。人の吐息中には、窒素、酸素、二酸化炭素、水蒸気などのガスの他に、数千種類の分子種が微量に含まれるとのこと。When breathing, people inhale a complex mixture of gases, including nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, water vapor and traces of other gases like carbon monoxide, nitrous oxide and methane, said Ye, an adjoint professor of physics at CU-Boulder. Exhaled breath contains less oxygen, more carbon dioxide and a rich collection of more than a thousand types of other molecules, most of which are present only in trace amounts.
Just as bad breath can indicate dental problems, excess methylamine may signal liver and kidney disease, ammonia may be a sign of renal failure, elevated acetone levels can indicate diabetes and nitric oxide levels can be used to diagnose asthma, Ye said.たとえば、吐息中にメチルアミンが多く含まれるときには肝臓や腎臓の疾患、アンモニアが多いときには腎臓の病気、アセトンが多く含まれるときは糖尿病、一酸化窒素が多いときには喘息、がそれぞれ疑われるとのこと。さらに、同時に複数の分子を検出できると信頼性が高くなり、一酸化窒素と同時に硫化カルボニル、一酸化炭素および過酸化水素がすべて検出されると喘息の疑いが高くなるという具合だ。When many breath molecules are detected simultaneously, highly reliable, disease-specific information can be collected, said Ye. Asthma, for example, can be detected much more reliably when carbonyl sulfide, carbon monoxide and hydrogen peroxide are all detected simultaneously with nitric oxide.
The optical frequency comb is a very precise laser for measuring different colors, or frequencies, of light, said Ye. Each comb line, or "tooth," is tuned to a distinct frequency of a particular molecule's vibration or rotation, and the entire comb covers a broad spectral range -- much like a rainbow of colors -- that can identify thousands of different molecules.従来の分析装置では、これら微量のバイオマーカーを同時に多種類分析するのは困難だったが、これが今回開発した光学周波数コム分光技術により安価に可能となるとされている。この方法は櫛の歯状の多数の周波数の光を試料に照射し、その吸収スペクトルから分子種と濃度を測定するもので、キーとなる光学周波数コム技術は2005年のノーベル物理学賞を受賞したとのこと。調べてみると、単一波長のレーザー光を非線形光学結晶に入力することで、周波数間隔が等しく、強度の揃った多波長レーザー光が出力できるというものらしい。Laser light can detect and distinguish specific molecules because different molecules vibrate and rotate at certain distinct resonant frequencies that depend on their composition and structure, he said. He likened the concept to different radio stations broadcasting on separate radio frequencies.
The optical frequency comb was developed in the 1990s by Ye's JILA, NIST and CU-Boulder colleague John L. "Jan" Hall and Theodor W. Hansch of Germany's Max-Planck Institute, who shared the 2005 Nobel Prize in physics with Roy J. Glauber for their work.
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