最新号のScienceに掲載された話なので、アメリカ方面のニュースサイトでは多く扱われているが、代表してScience Dailyのニュース(2/8)から。Knee Brace Generates Electricity From Walking
A new energy-capturing knee brace can generate enough electricity from walking to operate a portable GPS locator, a cell phone, a motorized prosthetic joint or an implanted neurotransmitter, research involving the University of Michigan shows.人の膝に取り付けて、歩行中に発電しようという装置の話。ポータブルGPSや携帯電話、あるいは体内に埋め込んだ電気機器などの電源に使おうということらしい。人の歩行エネルギーを有効に使って発電しようというのはいいが、結局人間がそれ以上に体力を使いそうな気がするがどうなのだろう? 今回の装置は、ハイブリッドカーが減速時にエネルギーを回収しているのと同様に、人間が歩行時に足を前後に振る際の、足の動きを減速しようとする際のエネルギーを有効に回収しようという試みであり、通常は無駄に失われている分とのこと。The wearable mechanism works much like regenerative braking charges a battery in some hybrid vehicles, said Arthur Kuo, an associate professor of mechanical engineering at U-M and an author of the paper.*
Regenerative brakes collect the kinetic energy that would otherwise be dissipated as heat when a car slows down. This knee brace harvests the energy lost when a human brakes the knee after swinging the leg forward to take a step.
"There is power to be harvested from various places in the body, and you can use that to generate electricity. The knee is probably the best place," he said. "During walking, you dissipate energy in various places, when your foot hits the ground, for example. You have to make up for this by performing work with your muscles.人の運動を利用して電気を得ようとするなら、膝が最も効率的と考えられているようだ。ただし、人が運動する際にあちこちでエネルギーが無駄に失われているようだが、実は弾性エネルギーや他の形で蓄えられるものもあるようで、結構複雑らしい。それでも歩行中に足を前後にスイングさせる際に、足を減速させる動きはエネルギーを無駄に消費していると考えて良いようだ。"The body is clever," Kuo said. "In a lot of places where it could be dissipating energy, it may actually be storing it and getting it back elastically. Your tendons act like springs. In many places, we're not sure whether the energy is really being dissipated or you're just storing it temporarily. We believe that when you're slowing down the knee at the end of swinging the leg, most of that energy normally is just wasted."
The scientists tested the knee brace on six men walking leisurely on a treadmill at 1.5 meters per second, or 2.2 miles per hour. They measured the subjects' respiration to determine how hard they were working. A control group wore the brace with the generator disengaged to measure how the weight of the 3.5-pound brace affected the wearer.実際に、この装置の発電効率を知るために、装置をオンにした場合とオフにした場合で歩行時の消費エネルギーがどの程度変化するかをトレッドミルで調べたようだ。その結果、1ワット(ワット時の間違い?)を得るのに消費した余計なエネルギーは1ワット未満であり、従来の手回し発電機で1ワットを得るのに要する6.4ワットと比べると非常に効率的であったとのこと。In the mode in which the brace is only activated while the knee is braking, the subjects required less than one watt of extra metabolic power for each watt of electricity they generated. A typical hand-crank generator, for comparison, takes an average of 6.4 watts of metabolic power to generate one watt of electricity because of inefficiencies of muscles and generators.
"We've demonstrated proof of concept," Kuo said. "The prototype device is bulky and heavy, and it does affect the wearer just to carry. But the energy generation part itself has very little effect on the wearer, whether it is turned on or not. We hope to improve the device so that it is easier to carry, and to retain the energy-harvesting capabilities."今回の装置はプロトタイプであり、重量が3.5ポンド(約1.6kg)もあるので、身に着けているだけでも負荷が大きいが、この発電原理の有効性は実証されたし、発電機構そのものは使用者にほとんど負荷を掛けないということで、今後小型化を進めることで、ハイカーや兵士用の装着型発電機としてや、体内にこの原理を応用した発電機を埋め込んでペースメーカーなどの電気装置の電源として使用する用途などに有望だろうとのこと。A lighter version would be helpful to hikers or soldiers who don't have easy access to electricity. And the scientists say similar mechanisms could be built into prosthetic knees other implantable devices such as pacemakers or neurotransmitters that today require a battery, and periodic surgery to replace that battery.
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