NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC NEWSの記事(3/5)から。"Brain Reading" Device Can Predict What People See
A new computer program can match brain activity with visual images and even predict what people are seeing, a study has shown.脳の活動状況の観測結果から人が何を見ているのかを予測するプログラムが開発されたというニュース。この研究が進展すると、人の記憶、夢、想像などを読み取ることができるようになるかもしれない、というわけで、これはすごいというか、ちょっと怖い使い方も考えられる。。The work raises the possibility that one day computers could "read" a person's brain to digitally re-create memories, dreams, or imaginings.
The researchers used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to measure activity in the visual cortices of participants' brains as they looked at photographs of animals, food, people, and other common objects.まず、被験者に動物、食品、人および他の普通の物体の写真を見せ、その時の脳の活動の様子をfMRIで観測する。このデータを集め、脳の血流のパターンと画像の種類との関係をコンピュータで解析する。こうして多くのデータを元にモデルを学習させることで、精度の高い予測モデルを作り上げたということらしい。The fMRI technique is a relatively new way to measure changes in the brain's blood oxygen levels, which have strong links to neural activity.
The collected data were used to "teach" a computer program to associate certain blood flow patterns with particular kinds of images.
Participants were then asked to look at a second set of images they had never encountered before.
The model was programmed to take what it had learned from the previous pairings and figure out what was being shown in the new set of images.
For a collection of 120 images, the model correctly identified what a person was looking at 90 percent of the time. When the set was enlarged to a thousand images, accuracy was about 80 percent.120枚の写真のセットを使用すると正答率は90%にもなるようだ。また、セットを1000枚に拡大しても正答率は80%程度となかなかのものだ。となると、次には人が何を思っているのかを予測するような技術の可能性を考えてしまうが、
Before such a device can be built, however, researchers must first answer important questions about dreams, memories, and imagination.実際に物を見るのと、頭の中で思い描くのとは脳の中の活動状況も異なるだろうということで、今回の技術の単純な延長線上にゴールがあるわけでもなさそうだ。"Perhaps the contents of our imaginations are not represented in the same way as the contents of our actual real perceptions," Kay said.
"In this case, we will have to investigate how imagination is represented and construct appropriate computational models."
A brain-reading device would be valuable for probing phenomena that are difficult to study using conventional means, such the differences in perception among people, the researchers said.この記事は、脳の中を読み取るという技術の行く先は、確かに有益な使い道がいろいろとあるのだろうけど、同時にプライバシーや倫理の面でも十分に配慮して、人権を守ることが重要だと結ばれている。But the team notes that such a device could be used for more sinister purposes as well.
The privacy and ethical concerns associated with a brain-reading device would parallel those surrounding human genome sequencing, the researchers said.
In both cases, care will need to be taken so that the rights of individuals are not violated.
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